Listen carefully, because the new rules of the game for Fűresz are coming!
If you want to return home safely from the event, you must comply with these!
1. Participation in the Night of Horrors Horror Festival is at your OWN RISK . You should know that the nightmare you experienced here is not just a game. The fear you experience here is real and its effects stay with you forever.
2. Don't look for escape routes because THERE IS NO ESCAPE . Hiding and hiding won't save you. Every road leads to a dead end, where the traces of the victims disappear forever. Always be prepared for the dangers lurking in the shadows. If you feel like you can't take it anymore, contact a member of our staff for help!
3. DO NOT SHOW WEAKNESS or temper during the game . Bloodthirsty monsters prey on the weak and the resistant alike.
4. Disguise only serves the interests of monsters and traps and makes you more vulnerable to danger. Don't wear a disguise, TAKE ON YOUR REAL FACE and be able to prove your identity if you get into trouble.
5. During the game, you may not use any equipment for self-defense or attack. Such attempts only increase suffering and anguish. ACCEPTANCE AND HUMILITY , this is the only way to survive.
6. During the evening, nothing is what it seems. Friendships are quickly broken and trust is quickly destroyed. Groups and alliances CRASH in seconds, because everyone is only fighting for their own survival.
7. The terror experienced here is real and the consumption of mind-altering drugs can exacerbate the situation even more. A CLEAR AND AWARE CONSCIOUSNESS is essential during the time spent at the event.
8. Destroyers and destroyers are in for a fatal surprise that you don't want to experience. Respect the location, because intentional vandalism can have SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES .
9. This nightmare is only for those who are ready to face the horror, therefore entry to the event is FORBIDDEN for those under the age of 14 ! They may be faced with terrifying and traumatic situations that may be too much for them!
The new game rules are cruel and require the greatest strength and courage from you. If you do accept the challenge, now is the time to buy your ticket to the Night of Terrors and get ready for a nightmare you won't easily forget.